Name of Donor INGO/NGO Program/Project Name Calendar Year of Working (From-To) Coverage Palikas Coverage District


RWSSSP/FINIDA, UNICEF Water and Sanitation (WASH) 1997 to 1999 Banganga Municipality Kapilvastu


PACT/TAF Women Empowerment Program 1997 to 1998 Banganga Municipality Kapilvastu


GTZ/NGO Fund Project  Capacity Building of Local GOs,  NGOs, CBOs, and CSOs 1997 to 2006 Banganga Municipality, Maharajgunj Kapilvastu


UNICEF Children Associated with Arms Group and Armed Forces (CAAFAG, CAC, and VMLR) 2007 to 2018 All the 10 Palikas Kapilvastu


FAF/Government  Poverty Alleviation  Program 2008 Bijaynagar & Kapilvastu Rural Municipalities Kapilvastu


District Education Office Kapilvastu Literacy Class N/A N/A Kapilvastu


EU/We World Partnership for Equity and Access in Kapilvastu 2014 to January 2016 Banganga Municipality Kapilvastu


UK AID/SFCG Strengthening the Poor and Marginalized’s Access to Justice and Security in Nepal (PAHUCH) 2016 to 2019 Mayadevi & Suddhodan Rural Municipalities Kapilvastu


 (EU/We World, UK AID/SFCG, etc.) Multiple Projects Across Lumbini Province 2015 to 2020 Selected Palikas Lumbini Province